Coral Liu Hai

Height: 6.48 cm
Mouth/lip: 0.50/1.55 cm
Stopper: mother-of-pearl; turquoise collar

Eldred’s, Cape Cod, August 200

Li Yinghao 李英豪2000. 保值鼻烟壶 辽宁画报出版社, p. 108, lower left.


Coral, of almost flawless material with some white speckling; with a flat lip, and recessed flat, oval foot surrounded by a protruding flat, oval foot rim; carved in high relief with Liu Hai standing on a rocky outcrop with a lingzhi growing near its base, holding a large cash on one shoulder and narrow side of the bottle, while the other has two tied stems of lotus, one of the flower, the other of a leaf, atop which sits his three-legged toad.

Alexander Whittaker